SCOOT V2 US wo canopy, Black Melange

Regular price $535.00
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The Stokke Scoot stroller is a high compact stroller to bring you closer and grow with our child. "Best in Class" features make it easy to push, fold with the seat unit on and carry away for your on the go city lifestyle. Scoot gives a smooth ride. Its small footprint makes it the ideal solution for travel, navigating busy streets and public transit. The lightweight compact stroller is suited to use from newborn and the comfortable seat reclines to a rest position when naps are needed. An upgraded chassis with an angle adjustable handle and foam filled rubber tires combine for unparalleled handling and manoeuvrability. 3 seating positions, added ventilation and an oversized canopy make Stokke Scoot extra comfortable for exploring the city together. The seating setup was developed to promote interaction between parent and child. It offers a wide range of features: soft suspension, spacious and ergonomic seat, lockable swivel wheels, large cargo space, car seat option, seat height suitable for café tables and it offers easy one-hand folding and is easy to carry away for your active lifestyle. The Stokke Scoot stroller is part of the flexible Stokke stroller system with a lot of features and a wide color and accessories range. With the addition of the Softbag, Stokke Scoot is even more comfortable for your young baby.

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